couch potato was BPR's suggestion, couldn't ignore that one
also, same issue as bat grenades where the pig is not invisible for 1 tick
Sparks28-Feb-19 11:06 AM
Sorry, I didn't check to see if there was a visible saddle before giving feedback as I don't have time to test rn
I really like
Dennis28-Feb-19 11:08 AM
no problem! don't think I even mentioned it anywhere
Sparks28-Feb-19 11:23 AM
I think this needs a whoopie-cushion expansion pack.
Dennis28-Feb-19 11:25 AM
just need some good sound effects then
Sparks28-Feb-19 12:01 PM
I just realised that a) ghast bags are the pefect whoopie-cushion item.and b) loot tables can be included with datapacks now so we can totally do ghast bags from 4D
Lue28-Feb-19 12:04 PM
yea but we don't have aether ghasts
do ghast bags really make sense to drop from nether ghasts
Sparks28-Feb-19 12:07 PM
in 4D no. In Minecraft, why not?
I do think their levitation effect would be a bit OP outside of 4D aether though
Dennis28-Feb-19 12:13 PM
only allow it in the end if that's possible?(edited)
Kroppeb28-Feb-19 12:28 PM
Mmh how do ghasts float though?
Dennis28-Feb-19 12:36 PM
They have ghast bags inside them
Kroppeb28-Feb-19 12:40 PM
But how do they float
kyrkis28-Feb-19 01:05 PM
They are lighter than the thin air in Aether
Compsogbrickus28-Feb-19 01:16 PM
Since ghasts are giant hot air bags, the ghast bags would just contain air, but maybe also contain some sort of heating element
Kroppeb28-Feb-19 02:20 PM
But the nether is hot already
Sparks28-Feb-19 03:57 PM
For a hot air balloon to be bouyant it needs to be hotter than the surrounding air
So actually the air inside a Nether ghast would have to be far hotter than an aether ghast to make it fly (assuming both types of ghast weigh the same)
Kroppeb28-Feb-19 04:02 PM
Sulfur dioxide is 2.2* as heavy as normal air(edited)
Bloo28-Feb-19 05:03 PM
thats only true if the gas inside is the same as the gas in the surroundings, and if the buoyancy of the structure itself is tiny
Giovata28-Feb-19 11:41 PM
I really want to get the [Couch Potato] advancement(edited)
BluePsychoRanger04-Apr-19 04:25 PM
This module has been approved!
Pinned a message.
BluePsychoRanger04-Apr-19 05:16 PM
@Dennis In the final version, is the player still able to move the pig in any way or was that bug fixed?
Dennis04-Apr-19 05:18 PM
It's included as an option
More like a correction when the player is near the chair it resets its position/rotation
But I haven't found any way to stop them from moving when holding the thing
BluePsychoRanger04-Apr-19 05:19 PM
Okay, gonna add some info to the Technical Details
Dennis04-Apr-19 05:20 PM
And it's not that bad if players can move the saddle, only concern with it is that someone could go in my neatly organised room with chairs and rotate them all
Dennis04-Apr-19 05:49 PM
great, wiki just needs the icon now
ToffeeMax04-Apr-19 05:49 PM has icon, but wiki is being a little crap bag and not wanting to allow uploads atm
Sparks04-Apr-19 05:50 PM
Don't forget to credit duck for the icon art
ToffeeMax04-Apr-19 05:50 PM
On Wiki?
Sparks04-Apr-19 06:26 PM
ToffeeMax05-Apr-19 04:50 PM
Dennis27-Apr-19 12:04 PM
I've noticed that if the pig is moved a pixel back, then it allows you to place blocks in front of it because its hitbox it not there anymore(edited)
Does this still look good enough?
Misode27-Apr-19 12:08 PM
I would make the pig invisible
But yeah that looks good
Dennis27-Apr-19 12:09 PM
Thought it would be a nice chair extension
but I'll remove their heads for you
Qbert27-Apr-19 02:16 PM
Dennis04-May-19 10:41 AM
I'm not too sure myself which one is better..
C: Current
B: Very small adjustment for the new texture
A: Hitbox is inside stair, can place blocks in front of the stairs without breaking the chair first (I think saddle is too small with old textures)
I like a bigger saddle but not having that hitbox is nice as well
Misode04-May-19 10:43 AM
A is definitely an advantage, eg. you can place a carpet in front of the stair
Andante04-May-19 10:43 AM
I prefer A, at least with the new textures(edited)
Misode04-May-19 10:43 AM
I'd say keep the 1.13 version how it is and change it for 1.14
Sparks04-May-19 10:44 AM
Dennis04-May-19 10:44 AM
so change to A for 1.14
and next question, to update on github, do i edit it in my own fork, then pull request?
Misode04-May-19 10:46 AM
And to make sure you have the latest changes, you create a branch from master
Dennis04-May-19 11:18 AM
and how do i combine multiple commits into 1 pull request?
Andante04-May-19 11:20 AM
I don't think you can, but the admins can squash and merge the pull into one commit(edited)
Misode04-May-19 11:20 AM
A PR is based on a branch, so it can always have multiple commits
You just commit to the same branch
Dennis04-May-19 11:23 AM
just added 2 pull requests needs to be merged then
Misode04-May-19 11:23 AM
Uh why two pull requests?
They are the same as far as I can tell
Dennis04-May-19 11:24 AM
2 different files, but the same changes basically
Misode04-May-19 11:24 AM
You could've made those on the same branch
You can select the current branch you're working on here
Dennis04-May-19 11:26 AM
one day I will understand this!
Sparks04-May-19 11:26 AM
Github is SO useful but there is a learning curve :/ I'm still a bit lost when using it tbh
Misode04-May-19 11:27 AM
Yeah it takes a while to get how it works
Dennis04-May-19 02:09 PM
Another small change is coming, the saddle item now just spawns normally but thought it would be nicer to give it a random motion
Sparks04-May-19 02:09 PM
Dennis04-May-19 02:11 PM
like when you break a block and the item entity goes in any direction
Sparks04-May-19 02:13 PM
Ohhh gotcha
Dennis04-May-19 02:44 PM
Made a new pull request will all changes it
Lue04-May-19 03:03 PM
@Dennis in 1.14 you can use a loot table to easily get random motion
just a loot table with a single saddle as the drop, loot spawn ~ ~ ~ loot chairs:drop_saddle(edited)
added it to the pull request as well, I think I'm starting to understand this thing
Sparks05-May-19 09:08 AM
I think there's been talk of saddle shamirs so at some point this module should be updated to not accept saddles with shamirs on them or they will be lost
Dennis05-May-19 09:30 AM
Would it be possible to copy over that bit of nbt onto the pig so it would still work and return the shamir saddle?
Andante05-May-19 09:54 AM
I'm just on my dev server, and whenever I get out of a chair I seem to fall through the block?
Also, you can kill the pig and get infinite porkchops(edited)
Dennis05-May-19 10:02 AM
blame 1.14
in 1.13 it would just put the player on top of the block below the stair but somehow in 1.14 it changed so the player is slightly lower and sinks through the ground
I tried to tp the player up if it was inside the stair block but the clock isn't fast enough for that
Sparks05-May-19 11:10 AM
We should give the pig the minecraft:empty loot table?
Misode05-May-19 11:11 AM
Oh yeah that's a good idea
Dennis05-May-19 11:25 AM
I wish I would've known about these loottables before I started this :p
Dennis05-May-19 11:47 AM
how did you get porkchops btw @Andante? did you kill it in creative mode?
Andante05-May-19 11:47 AM
Oh yeah, I was in creative
didn't realise that
Dennis05-May-19 11:47 AM
creative mode can kill invulnerable entities
but removing their drops won't do any harm
Dennis05-May-19 12:06 PM
removed droptable in the PR, also removed a command where the pigs where added to teams as that's now done in the summon command
kyrkis10-May-19 11:10 PM
Our chairs turned into no AI pigmen from lightning @Dennis
Dennis10-May-19 11:10 PM
can you ride them?
kyrkis10-May-19 11:10 PM
no lol
please fix xD
I mean we can kill them, I think
but like i dont want this happening
Dennis10-May-19 11:11 PM
I think that would need a fix on the side of lightning rods, not sure if I can prevent that
kyrkis10-May-19 11:11 PM
it was natural lightning lol
Dennis10-May-19 11:11 PM
are they still NoAI btw?
kyrkis10-May-19 11:11 PM
yep still no AI
a lightning struck me and georgia sitting in the bench
it targets entities and there were 4
Dennis10-May-19 11:13 PM
One option I can think of is check for pigmen with the chair tag (assuming they still have that) and turn them back
but that's interesting, hadn't thought of that option yet
Misode10-May-19 11:15 PM
I think it's similar to drowneds, where almost no nbt is transferred
Dennis10-May-19 11:21 PM
yep, looks like NoAI is the only nbt that is kept
Dennis10-May-19 11:37 PM
Don't really know the best way this could be fixed tbh
althought I found the InLove tag which could be used to prevent the players from feeding carrots to their chairs