26-Nov-18 10:59 PM
Should look default as it fits the pattern
The centre block of a guardian temple is always divisible by 16
Because it's chunk aligned
thanks coppper
So by getting the PosX and PosZ values from all elder guardians in a certain Y range
(assuming the module is run as the world is generated by a player, or beforehand, and not after the player has found this monument)
Find the nearest value divisible by 16 for both values and use this as the monument centre
That would be 100% accurate as this never moves and this could be used for all sorts
And would be a fair bit more efficient than going for the gold blocks, and it wouldn't ever touch the monument
Only problem is, monuments rotate
So to find the spawning spaces of each of the elder guardians in a monument, you'd need the centre, the rotation of the monument and nothing else
Gold room would be easier to find given these, it would be way better than fill replace over the whole monument
This top layer of pris is consistent all the way round... apart from the front, so the rotation can be found