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Gamemode 4 Labs
BluePsychoRanger 26-Nov-18 08:08 PM
Tomhelduf Module: Elder Guardian Summoning Main feature: Elder Guardians now drop Hearts of the Sea 20 percent of the time when killed. They can also now be resummoned by throwing 16 Nautilus Shells, 4 prismarine crystals and a fish atop a sea lantern underwater. When summoned, players recieve a lower duration mining fatigue effect and are instantly freed when the Elder Guardian dies. The elder Guardian also has resistance upon spawning like the wither. Hearts of the Sea and elder guardians are now renewable.
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:10 PM
Elder guardians are likely to be made by hitting a guardian with lightning
Kroppeb 26-Nov-18 08:19 PM
How will we detect that though (edited)
federick 26-Nov-18 08:25 PM
lightning rods
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:26 PM
The wiki doesn't even know if they are selectable
ToffeeMax 26-Nov-18 08:26 PM
The wiki
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:28 PM
I suppose lightning rods, but that would make this a double-dependant module relying on both custom Crafters and LRds
ToffeeMax 26-Nov-18 08:29 PM
Ritual of the Guardian Then?
What if, Lightning Rods is not installed, adds its own version, if it is, then does not
Lue 26-Nov-18 08:30 PM
I'm personally not a big fan of that
if it can be standalone, it should be standalone
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:30 PM
Or add support for both LRds and Channeling tridents? They still seem to be the easiest way to get lightning, and it's not like it would get struck naturally
Diamondback88 26-Nov-18 08:37 PM
Pinned a message.
Kroppeb 26-Nov-18 08:42 PM
lightning CANNOT be selected
unless they changed that in a newer version
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:43 PM
This is what the wiki doesn't specify
Kroppeb 26-Nov-18 08:44 PM
I seem to remember that we wanted to implement the chorus -> shulker conversion with lightning, but unless you place a creeper, lightning isn't possible to detect.
This is why it's in lightning rods
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:45 PM
That's more interesting
Kroppeb 26-Nov-18 08:46 PM
You could use a creeper if it's gonna be more a kind of ritual (edited)
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:48 PM
If it were instead a part of lightning rods rather than a standalone?
Sparks 26-Nov-18 08:51 PM
Not a massive fan of the "pile of items" style of crafting/activating things. I think it would be alright if the sea lantern ate each item one at at time and stored what it had eaten (dropping those items if broken or if time runs out for the ritual).
Have you considered making elder guardians renewable by detecting newly spawned (generated) guardians to locate a fresh temple then finding the treasure room and allowing elder guardians to spawn unless the treasure room is raided? This would couple well with an idea The8BitMonkey had ages ago for using new guardians to change the gold in the treasure room for a random selection of other precious blocks.
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:56 PM
That would work
I hadn't considered that they spawned in the same rooms each time
Kroppeb 26-Nov-18 08:57 PM
How would they find the room though
tomh 26-Nov-18 08:57 PM
Temples are centred around a 4*4 of chunks
Sparks 26-Nov-18 09:01 PM
They don't spawn in the room but you should be able to test for gold blocks around the guardian.
Monkey's original module just did a huge fill/replace but that won't work for placing an entity.
I know we've used fill/replace buttons for this sort of thing before. Replace the gold with buttons, the buttons in air pop off and then those entities can be used to get the exact position of the treasure room and replace the gold plus a marker AEC
Now I'm not gonna say I'll say no to a guardian summoning ritual. But I think it might be a nicer feel if guardians continue to spawn so long as the heart of the temple remains untouched.
I mean they're called GUARDIANS
tomh 26-Nov-18 09:04 PM
So the gold gets removed > the elders stop spawning?
Sparks 26-Nov-18 09:06 PM
tomh 26-Nov-18 10:43 PM
The gold room seems to generate randomly in each monument
I don't think it could be used as a point of reference
federick 26-Nov-18 10:44 PM
Gold room is the thing always in the same place
tomh 26-Nov-18 10:44 PM
I don't think so
federick 26-Nov-18 10:45 PM
He means the 2x2 formation
tomh 26-Nov-18 10:47 PM
The gold cube?
Each pillar represents the corner of the gold formation
Both monuments are facing the same way, posx
Probably more easily useable would be the top room elder guardian
It's already an entity and spawns close to the coordinate centre of the monument
Supersette 26-Nov-18 10:52 PM
or is it
tomh 26-Nov-18 10:52 PM
(that being the most positivex/z block in the 2*2 formation on top of the monument
BluePsychoRanger 26-Nov-18 10:56 PM
Execute relative to the guardian to replace gold blocks with command blocks to detect the gold heart. Then tag all the elder guardians in a large radius to prevent it from checking again.
tomh 26-Nov-18 10:57 PM
This is the location of the sea lanterns at the top of the farm
always y=59
Lue 26-Nov-18 10:57 PM
what is that font
tomh 26-Nov-18 10:57 PM
A custom one for a map I was working on
It's badly compressed and has a lot of errors 😦
Lue 26-Nov-18 10:58 PM
ah ok
tomh 26-Nov-18 10:58 PM
see C for example
Lue 26-Nov-18 10:59 PM
tomh 26-Nov-18 10:59 PM
Should look default as it fits the pattern
But it's thiccer
Oh man
The centre block of a guardian temple is always divisible by 16
Because it's chunk aligned
thanks coppper
πŸ‘Œ 1
So by getting the PosX and PosZ values from all elder guardians in a certain Y range
(assuming the module is run as the world is generated by a player, or beforehand, and not after the player has found this monument)
Find the nearest value divisible by 16 for both values and use this as the monument centre
That would be 100% accurate as this never moves and this could be used for all sorts
And would be a fair bit more efficient than going for the gold blocks, and it wouldn't ever touch the monument
Only problem is, monuments rotate
So to find the spawning spaces of each of the elder guardians in a monument, you'd need the centre, the rotation of the monument and nothing else
Gold room would be easier to find given these, it would be way better than fill replace over the whole monument
This top layer of pris is consistent all the way round... apart from the front, so the rotation can be found
Sparks 27-Nov-18 01:21 AM
That's some really cool detectoring there
I didn't know the elder guardians always spawned in exactly the same spots either
tomh 27-Nov-18 11:54 PM
Planned Procedure: - upon the temple being loaded, Elder Guardians high enough to be in the top chamber are detected - their position is taken and the nearest center point for a temple is taken by taking posx %= 16 and posz %= 16 and using these figures to adjust the guardian's position to the nearest - a marker is placed here and the marker checks the four directions around it for the roof prismarine. Based on the test that comes back false, the marker is given a direction score. - the marker is used to place two relative markers in the wings of the monuments to artificially spawn the elder guardians - the check for gold blocks is performed using the button method (over a smaller area and not reliant on guardians, so it should be a lot quicker) and an entity is placed in the greatest posx posz posy block of gold in the chamber - [this marker is also used to make the new passive beacon noise to indicate the farm is running] - gold is replaced All important parts of the monument are marked, the overall bounding box can be found, allowing for special effects or generation inside the monument zone. The system could also self destruct when the heart gets removed, or remain for some reason, if any features could be thought of that would enhance the momunent zone in some way.
πŸ‘Œ 1
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:01 AM
so this is essentially a respawning Elder system? (edited)
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:01 AM
They respawn periodically in the monuments as long as the gold is still there
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:02 AM
the process you describe sounds like something that belongs in Orbis. would @Sparks consider such an addition?
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:02 AM
The base monument finder would fit
BluePsychoRanger 28-Nov-18 12:02 AM
I don't think Orbis would need to be required
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:02 AM
Respawing elder guardians could be an addon
Or the whole thing standalone
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:02 AM
orbis isn't required but it would be good to do the monument detection at the same time as orbis.
that way it can use the bedrock layer to mark it as processed / unprocessed (edited)
BluePsychoRanger 28-Nov-18 12:02 AM
hmm that's true
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:03 AM
It shouldn't be too laggy having it run in game
Sparks 28-Nov-18 12:03 AM
Orbis scans chunks
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:04 AM
orbis could find the top elder.
and do this process
Sparks 28-Nov-18 12:04 AM
It's gonna be more efficient to use the rotation detection and guardians to work out where the gold is
I don't think this needs Orbis to work at all
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:04 AM
it doesn't. it's still something that should necessarily be done at the same time
and rely on orbis bedrock layer to determine if it's a player-created fake monument (edited)
Sparks 28-Nov-18 12:05 AM
Well no. We tag elder guardians as soon as they spawn
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:05 AM
Fake monuments should be pretty tough
Sparks 28-Nov-18 12:05 AM
so the check is only done when they first load
BluePsychoRanger 28-Nov-18 12:05 AM
Sparks 28-Nov-18 12:05 AM
It shouldn't be possible to create a fake monument unless you manage to move an elder guardian without actually loading it
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:06 AM
Or summon it somehow
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:06 AM
fair enough. this is still something that is being done at the same time of orbis. it's making the same assumption as orbis, mainly that these chunks are brand new.
that's why I would expect it to be part of orbis, or at least an expansion
and also use bedrock layer cuz that's what orbis uses, not tags on entities
Sparks 28-Nov-18 12:07 AM
Orbis will get to the chunk after the guardian has existed for a while and might have moved.
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:07 AM
You would need at least 1 marker for this to work
Sparks 28-Nov-18 12:07 AM
Which means now orbis needs to check every single chunk (or ocean chunk) for gold
Instead of just checking for elder guardians.
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:07 AM
oh. I see what you're saying
Supersette 28-Nov-18 12:07 AM
what’s orbis
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:07 AM
The top elder shouldn't move out of its chamber within a tick of being loaded, or at all
Custom terrain module supersette
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:08 AM
orbis alters the terrain of the world
it's what makes deserts have sandstone all the way down on PSV
tomh 28-Nov-18 12:08 AM
From a survival player's perspective, this runs, they approach the monument and load the guardian before it is even moving
Lue 28-Nov-18 12:09 AM
I see why it's beneficial for this module to be separate from orbis then.
Sander 05-Jul-19 04:53 PM
need this module? archived yes/no?
BluePsychoRanger 05-Jul-19 04:55 PM
@tomh how’s this module going?
tomh 05-Jul-19 05:05 PM
this should probably be archived/deleted, I have no plans to continue work on this module, although the base research established might be useful for future modules
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