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Gamemode 4 Labs
Lue 09-Dec-18 04:54 AM
ShadowSlam: Module: Improved Master Crafters Feature: More efficient recipes, such as 1 bone > 4/5 bonemeal, small flowers > 2 dye, tall flowers > 4 dye, 4 nether brick > 2 nether brick blocks, dyeing of any wool, etc. Note from Lab Managers: The recipes in that list are examples and it may turn out that we decide to add completely different ones instead.
ShadowSlam 09-Dec-18 07:46 AM
(Creator(/Suggest..or?) agrees with Lab Managers note)
Sparks 09-Dec-18 12:14 PM
Aren't dyes changing in 1.14?
Lue 09-Dec-18 12:16 PM
Yes, but the way the recipes work are not really.
dye colors and amounts haven't really changed.
there are new flowers and they can be turned into dyes that previously lacked a plant source. (edited)
specifically, Blue Dye (only mining / villager trading before), Black Dye (only squid and fishing before), and White Dye (only skeletons and fish before). (edited)
the change you're probably thinking of is with Ink Sacs, Bone Meal, Cocoa Beans, and Lapis Lazuli
those items are no longer being used directly for dye, but instead as a possible source of Black Dye, White Dye, Brown Dye, and Blue Dye (other sources include the new flowers being added). (edited)
and Rose Red, Dandelion Yellow, and Cactus Green will be Red Dye, Yellow Dye, Green Dye (edited)
ToffeeMax 05-Jan-19 05:37 PM
I will take this on šŸ˜ƒ
The recipe tweaks for the orgianlly suggested are easy to do
@ShadowSlam Anything new wanted/
federick 05-Jan-19 05:39 PM
Include #deleted-channel then
ToffeeMax 05-Jan-19 05:40 PM
Auto Crafting is just more recipes isn't it @federick
federick 05-Jan-19 05:40 PM
ToffeeMax 05-Jan-19 05:40 PM
federick: Module: Auto-Crafting recipes Main Feature: This datapack would be an extension to CCs (or master crafter) to be able to auto-craft some items that are able to be farmed easily; Examples: 1 bone = 3 bone meal, 9 iron = 1 iron block, 1 blaze rod = 2 blaze powder, 9 gold nuggets = 1 gold ingot, 9 melon slices = 1 melon etc. Diamondback88: Module: Auto-Crafting addition Main Feature: Pumpkins can be auto-crafted by a CC or master crafter into carved pumpkins. This eliminates the need to place down and shear every pumpkin you want to carve. (edited)
ShadowSlam 05-Jan-19 05:40 PM
Nah, mainly just the ones I suggested. Wait, maybe a better quartz recipe
ToffeeMax 05-Jan-19 06:32 PM
On hold until bug fixed
Vedaant 06-Jan-19 02:26 PM
Can we add a trident recipe?
Lue 06-Jan-19 02:27 PM
tridents being worked on by devs already
actually maybe not
from 2019-01-02
Vedaant 06-Jan-19 02:28 PM
federick 06-Jan-19 02:28 PM
They said they have an idea
Vedaant 06-Jan-19 02:29 PM
We need trident
It's golf time
Lue 06-Jan-19 02:29 PM
could've sworn they said something more concrete than what I just posted from bluefire
BluePsychoRanger 06-Jan-19 03:59 PM
Iā€™m pretty sure I sent you a pic Alluet
ShadowSlam 06-Jan-19 04:30 PM
Didn't you post something of Blue saying he and Special would/were do(ing) it?
BluePsychoRanger 06-Jan-19 04:34 PM
ToffeeMax 06-Jan-19 04:39 PM
I am not adding a trident recipe
Master Crafting is for efficency
as the description says
BluePsychoRanger 06-Jan-19 04:41 PM
Oh yeah, here's what Blue said
Bluefire610: but me and special will add a way for tridents
ToffeeMax 10-Jan-19 09:52 PM
This is no longer on hold because it has been fixed
Lue 16-Jan-19 10:00 PM
JP12 16-Jan-19 10:00 PM
I'm here
ToffeeMax 04-May-19 04:38 PM
Oke. After too much time: I am adding recipes
Hit me
federick: Module: Auto-Crafting recipes Main Feature: This datapack would be an extension to CCs (or master crafter) to be able to auto-craft some items that are able to be farmed easily; Examples: 1 bone = 3 bone meal, 9 iron = 1 iron block, 1 blaze rod = 2 blaze powder, 9 gold nuggets = 1 gold ingot, 9 melon slices = 1 melon etc. Diamondback88: Module: Auto-Crafting addition Main Feature: Pumpkins can be auto-crafted by a CC or master crafter into carved pumpkins. This eliminates the need to place down and shear every pumpkin you want to carve
JP12 04-May-19 09:00 PM
Would the 3x3 recipies crafting be 9 in a single slot or fill up the full grid, requiring filler items or just creating a stack at a time when using hoppers? (edited)
Kroppeb 05-May-19 09:21 PM
There could be a packer maybe? (edited)
BluePsychoRanger 06-May-19 01:40 AM
JP, with the way the custom crafters work, it would have to be the latter to work with multicrafting
Nathan22211 20-May-19 11:58 AM
well if it's autocrafting you'd probably only need to check the first slot since it wouldn't actavatve on any bigger stack under automatic curcumstances. so there'd be no point in useing the gm4 system of crafting, you'd use execute if and data marge without the scoeboard.
ToffeeMax 20-May-19 03:55 PM
BluePsychoRanger 05-Jul-19 04:59 PM
@ToffeeMax reminder that this still exists (we got other priorities first ofc like updating PSV šŸ˜‰, but just reminding you)
JP12 05-Jul-19 05:00 PM
Do we still need the block crafting part of this module with the tinker compresser?
BluePsychoRanger 05-Jul-19 05:04 PM
Probably not
ToffeeMax 26-Dec-19 02:23 PM
Archiving this
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