Module Idea Natural Abilities
Dependencies None
Main Feature Adds abilities the player can unlock from living in and performing actions in certain surroundings (biomes and structures), that have to be relearned if you die (for balancing). The main point of this is encouraging players to get out and explore more, because you can't train these abilities unless you are in a biome that supports them. It balances, also, because now players don't just need to get materially wealthy (good armor, enchanted gear, good weapons, heart canisters) to be maxed out in ability.
Examples of Abilities and Training Locations:
If you live in a mountainous area where you have to jump a lot, you have a chance to develop a higher jump (or maybe a double jump?) over time, and the more jumps you have performed in that biome the greater the chance that you develop the ability.
If you live in an ocean biome and spend a lot of time swimming in the ocean, you might become a faster swimmer, and the more you swim the more likely you are to develop the ability.
If you live in a jungle and spend a lot of time climbing vines on trees, you have a chance to develop a tree-climbing ability, where you can just climb trees like they're ladders. Obviously the more time you spend in the jungle the more likely you are to develop the ability.
These are just a few that I've thought of so far, but the idea is that they allow the player more agility/movement ability. The other idea, besides forcing players who want to max out their abilities to get out of their house and explore, is that it raises the skill ceiling, so that players have another option for becoming powerful than just becoming armored tanks.
Please ping me in #idea-discussion if you have feedback, as I'd like to know what you thought of the idea.